Thursday, September 4, 2008

Libretto: 1.2

Act 1.2 --- front porch

Beth: Open it quick, mama! I can’t wait!

Ma: Up on the porch. We mustn’t get it in the dirt. We mustn’t hurt it.

Beth: Hurry! Will I ever grow up and graduate? Will I have a graduation dress?

Beth: … it’s pretty.

Ma: It is pretty. Girls are made for such dresses. Once I had slender arms and could have worn it.

Beth: Did you ever have a dress like this?

Ma: Like this… like this… This is like the dress I never had. The pretty velvet bows… O heaven knows how much I’ve missed. The years have gone so fast, and now my own sweet child will wear the dress that yesterday I might have worn; It seems as if she just was born. Where all the years have gone, I’ll never know. My own sweet child, my own sweet child, her face is like my mirror long ago. Goodness, it’s getting late. Laurie will be getting home soon. Grandpa will be coming in. We have work to do. Have you forgotten the party?

Beth: I couldn’t forget the party. Can Daniel come? Can he?

Ma: Silly silly. Of course he can come, if he combs his hair..
Beth: … if he combs his hair…
Ma: if he washes his face..
Beth: … if he washes his face ….
Ma: If he shines his shoes...
Beth: … If he shines his shoes…
Ma: If he puts on a clean shirt.
Beth: … If he puts on a clean shirt …
Ma: Silly silly! We’ve work to do! Go tell the Jenks about the party, tell’em it’s tonight. We’re expecting them to come. We’re going to celebrate. Hurry up, It’s getting late. Go tell the Jenks about the party, then hurry right back… right back. O how pretty Laurie will look tonight.

Beth: come on Daniel, let’s go!

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